Our PTA invites you to donate goods and/or financial support by sponsoring our neighborhood school.
We value our Community Sponsors and not only are gifts 100% tax-deductible, we express our support back by featuring businesses and family donors on our Facebook page, PTA website, campus bulletin and school newsletters, school shirts and yearbook.
Donations of $100 or more will be included on our class shirts! One of our biggest programs is providing EVERY student and teacher with a FREE class shirt. Our shirts build school spirit, community connections and unity. We use these shirts for spirit days, fun nights, field trips and fundraiser activities. Donations of $100 receive their Name displayed on our shirts; Donations of $200 include an ad space including Name and Information (text); Donations of $400 or more include an ad space for a Logo, Name and Information (business card size).
PTA supports many programs at HHE. Sponsors help support endeavors that improve our neighborhoods through community-building activities and events and raising the educational bar of student performance. Our mission is to make every child's highest potential a reality by empowering families to advocate through school engagement and involvement.
PTA has been advocating for children and families for more than 119 years! Your involvement will be part of a long-standing partnership between schools and community. Strong schools mean stronger communities.
We will soon have an online interface with sponsors, but for now just email us at hhepta@yahoo.com if your business would like to be a sponsor
Thank you to all of our Sponsors for the 2019-2020 school year